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So far admin has created 20 blog entries.

Fever 101: What to Do and When to Worry


Fever is your body’s natural defense against infection – and one of the most effective ways to fight infection. When your immune system detects a threat, your brain’s thermostat turns up the heat. The higher temperature makes it harder for bacteria and viruses to survive. The fever activates your immune system, sending out white blood [...]

Fever 101: What to Do and When to Worry2025-02-13T20:42:15+00:00

7 Tips for a Speedy Flu Recovery


Muscle aches, fever, cough, and chills – flu season is officially here. The flu is a highly contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses. Unlike the common cold, flu symptoms hit fast. They can also lead to serious complications for young children, senior adults, and those with chronic health conditions. Flu symptoms usually last about [...]

7 Tips for a Speedy Flu Recovery2025-01-21T22:55:43+00:00

Concussions: Signs to Look For


Concussions are prevalent in athletes, but you can also experience a concussion in a fall or car accident. That’s why it’s important to know the signs and symptoms of a concussion and when to see a doctor for treatment. What is a concussion? A concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury that occurs when the [...]

Concussions: Signs to Look For2024-12-20T19:51:34+00:00

Common Causes of Fall Allergies and How to Relieve Them


Your nose is running, your eyes are watering, you’re stuffy and congested…it must be fall! With its colorful trees and cooler temperatures, fall is a favorite season for many people. But if you’re prone to seasonal like 35 million Americans, it can also be an agonizing time of year. Let’s examine what causes fall allergies, [...]

Common Causes of Fall Allergies and How to Relieve Them2024-11-22T18:55:41+00:00

Strep Throat: What are The Signs?


It’s bad enough to have a sore throat that makes you feel miserable. But when it could be strep throat, it’s more than just annoying. Strep throat is highly contagious, spreading easily to family members, classmates, and co-workers. It can also lead to severe illness if it’s not treated quickly with antibiotics. That’s why it’s [...]

Strep Throat: What are The Signs?2024-10-30T17:44:17+00:00

4 Tips to Help Your Child Stay Healthy This School Year


As the school year kicks off, you’re probably thinking about how to prepare your child for a healthy and successful year. Regular school attendance is important. Missing too many days can affect your child’s learning and well-being. Here are four practical tips to help your child stay healthy this school year. 1. Practice Healthy Hygiene [...]

4 Tips to Help Your Child Stay Healthy This School Year2024-09-20T20:56:23+00:00

What is IV Therapy?


IV therapy is a powerful and effective way to supercharge your health and well-being. But what exactly is IV therapy – and how can it help you? What is IV therapy? Intravenous (IV) therapy is an easy, quick, and safe way to optimize your health by delivering vitamins, minerals, fluids, and other nutrients directly into [...]

What is IV Therapy?2024-08-21T22:17:28+00:00

Staying Hydrated: The Key to Health in the Summer Heat


Hydration is essential year-round, but drinking enough water in the summer heat is crucial! Every organ, tissue, and cell in your body depends on water to survive. Water allows your body systems to function correctly, lubricates your joints, removes waste, and helps maintain body temperature. However, your body’s functions can begin to shut down when [...]

Staying Hydrated: The Key to Health in the Summer Heat2024-07-22T21:14:53+00:00

Is it Time for You or Your Children to Have a Physical Exam?


Are annual physicals necessary for children and adults? According to a Health Tracking Poll, 92% of Americans believe they are important. However, only 62% actually get them. As an adult, an annual physical helps you stay healthy, track vital measurements over time, and detect potential health issues before they become serious. Children should see a [...]

Is it Time for You or Your Children to Have a Physical Exam?2024-06-27T15:44:27+00:00

What Causes Seasonal Allergies and How to Alleviate Them?


There’s no hiding from seasonal allergies – even when you live in Texas. Our warm and humid climate allows grass, weed, and tree pollen to trigger allergies year-round. At Good Life Family Medicine in College Station, we understand how frustrating allergy flare-ups can be. In this guide, we’ll examine what causes Texas allergies and how [...]

What Causes Seasonal Allergies and How to Alleviate Them?2024-05-21T21:06:57+00:00
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