Muscle aches, fever, cough, and chills – flu season is officially here. The flu is a highly contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses. Unlike the common cold, flu symptoms hit fast. They can also lead to serious complications for young children, senior adults, and those with chronic health conditions.
Flu symptoms usually last about a week, but you may experience a cough, weakness, or fatigue even after other flu symptoms subside.

Learn More: How to Survive the Flu Season: Tips for Prevention and Treatment

Here are 7 practical tips to help you recover from the flu more quickly.

1. Stay home and rest

Your body needs time and energy to fight the flu, so put your daily routine on hold until you feel better. Staying home and resting helps you recover and prevents the flu from spreading to others in your workplace or community.

2. Hydrate

Hydration is crucial to fight off the infection and replace lost fluids from high fever, sweating, and bouts of vomiting or diarrhea. Water is best, but herbal teas or tea with honey can soothe your symptoms and keep you hydrated. Alcohol and caffeine can be dehydrating, so avoid these until you recover.

3. Sleep

Get as much sleep as possible while your body is fighting the flu. Go to bed early, sleep in, and nap during the day to give your body the time it needs to recover. Rest and sleep also help reduce the risk of flu complications like pneumonia.

4. Eat healthy foods

You may not have much appetite, but eating healthy foods is essential to maintaining strength. Fresh fruits and vegetables provide the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to support your immune system and fuel your body to fight the virus.

5. Breathe easier

It’s difficult to breathe and sleep with a stuffy nose and cough. Dry air can make these symptoms worse. A humidifier or vaporizer adds moisture to the air and helps loosen congestion. Try these tips to breathe and sleep easier:

  • Use an extra pillow to prop up your head and ease sinus pressure.
  • Sleep with a humidifier or vaporizer in the room.
  • Take a hot bath or shower before bed.

6. Use over-the-counter medications

Over-the-counter (OTC) medications can help lessen many flu symptoms.

  • Pain relievers (ibuprofen and acetaminophen) help reduce fever, headache, and body aches.
  • Cough suppressants can soothe a dry cough.
  • Expectorants loosen mucus and are helpful for a wet cough.
  • Decongestants help open your nasal passages and relieve sinus pressure.
  • Antihistamine pills, liquids, and nasal sprays also relieve nasal congestion. Some have sedative effects that may help you sleep.
  • Elderberry has been used for centuries to reduce the duration and severity of colds and the flu.
  • Honey is another natural remedy for soothing a cough or sore throat. Mixing honey with tea is a great way to stay hydrated while treating flu symptoms. Never give honey to children under one year.

7. See a doctor for antiviral medications

Prescription antiviral medications help prevent the virus from growing and replicating. Taking these medications within two days of the onset of flu symptoms may reduce the duration and severity of symptoms.

Good Life Family Medicine Can Help

To recover from the flu faster, get lots of rest, sleep, and fluids. Good Life Family Medicine in College Station, Texas, is also here to help you feel better! Book an appointment online or call us today.

Learn More: Meet Our Provider – Justin Hancock